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カルマの回収屋(Karma Collector)

カルマの回収屋(Karma Collector) PV
マウスとキーボードのDとA、もしくはコントローラーで動かす、やり込み系オリジナル格闘アクションゲームです。 倒した数だけ経験値がもらえ、一定の経験値を得るとRankが上がり、攻撃力などが上昇するレベル上げ要素もあります。 This is an action combat game that is played with the D and A keys or a controller. You earn experience points by defeating enemies. When you have earned enough your rank will increase, which raises your attributes such as your attack power. チュートリアルあり A tutorial is available. 実況や生放送は、大歓迎です!! (ただ申し訳ないのですが自己責任でお願いします) Let's plays or live streams are welcome!! (However, you do so at your own risk.) 【世界観】 カルマというものを回収する仕事、死神。 死神は、カルマが一定数を超えた時に、強制的に人知れず淡々とカルマを回収している所属不明の組織の役職である。 カルマは、人を攻撃的にし、回収されると肉体や精神、存在ごと消えてしまう。 カルマが多ければ多いほど、その人は肉体的に強くなり、カルマを持つものは何かしら過去に罪を行っている。 そしてカルマは、ほっておくと人類や世界を滅ぼしかねないものでもある。 ただカルマは、何かわからないし、回収の基準は不明、カルマの大きさが罪の大小でもない。 主人公は、一人でカルマの回収をできるようになったばかりの死神。 勤務態度は、きわめてまじめだが、対象相手に対して少し冷たいところがある。 *この物語はフィクションです。 特定の組織や特定の団体などを一切示唆していません。 【Setting】 A Reaper is one tasked with collecting karma. Reapers who have collected a certain amount of karma are appointed as members of a secretive organization. Karma makes humans aggressive, and when collected, loses its body and mind, disappearing completely. The more karma someone possesses, the stronger they become physically. Those who possess karma have committed some kind of sin in the past. If left unchecked, karma will bring about the end of humanity and the world. However, it is unknown what karma is and the basis of the collection is unclear. The amount of karma is unrelated to the severity of the sin. The main character is a Reaper who has just become able to collect karma. He is very professional in carrying out his duties, but is somewhat cold toward the people he works with. * This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real persons or events is purely coincidental.

カルマの回収屋(Karma Collector) PV




This is an action combat game that is played with the D and A keys or a controller.
You earn experience points by defeating enemies. When you have earned enough your rank will increase, which raises your attributes such as your attack power.


A tutorial is available.


Let's plays or live streams are welcome!!
(However, you do so at your own risk.)










A Reaper is one tasked with collecting karma.

Reapers who have collected a certain amount of karma are appointed as members of a secretive organization.

Karma makes humans aggressive, and when collected, loses its body and mind, disappearing completely.
The more karma someone possesses, the stronger they become physically. Those who possess karma have committed some kind of sin in the past.
If left unchecked, karma will bring about the end of humanity and the world.

However, it is unknown what karma is and the basis of the collection is unclear. The amount of karma is unrelated to the severity of the sin.

The main character is a Reaper who has just become able to collect karma.

He is very professional in carrying out his duties, but is somewhat cold toward the people he works with.

* This is a work of fiction.
Any resemblance to real persons or events is purely coincidental.
